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ANTLR installation and usage on ubuntu 14.04

ANTLR installation and usage on ubuntu 14.04

In this article we will look at installation and usage of ANTLRsoftware

ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. It’s widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks.


Antlr repository can be downloaded by running the below commands

git clone

Pre Requisites

Antlr requires Apache maven build manager for Java projects.

sudo apt-get install maven maven2

python 3.5

  • Download the source files from
  • build and install python 3.5
sudo make install


Antlr can be compiled by executing the below command

mvn compile
mvn install

This will deploy antlr in the default location


The main antlr jar files is located at


to use this we need to set classpath as follows

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~/.m2/repository/org/antlr/antlr4/4.5/antlr4-4.5.jar


Put the following grammar inside file Hello.g4

// Define a grammar called Hello
grammar Hello;
r  : 'hello' ID ;         // match keyword hello followed by an identifier
ID : [a-z]+ ;             // match lower-case identifiers
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // skip spaces, tabs, newlines

Then run ANTLR the tool on it:

$ alias antlr4='java -Xmx500M -cp "~/.m2/repository/org/antlr/antlr4/4.5/antlr4-4.5.jar:$CLASSPATH" org.antlr.v4.Tool'

$ alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig'

$ antlr4 Hello.g4
$ javac Hello*.java

To test it run the following command

$ grun Hello r -tree input.txt

contents of input.txt file is hello world

This will give a GUI with parse tree displayed in the output

That pops up a dialog box showing that rule r matched keyword hello followed by identifier parrt.


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